Privacy policy

This Data Protection Statement informs you about the policy of Aenova Holding GmbH with regard to your data. The Data Protection Statement is based on the terminology used by the European regulators upon the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This Data Protection Statement concerns the collection, processing and use of personal as well as non-personal data. Personal data are information about a given or identifiable natural person relating to them personally or their circumstances. Non-personal data are data which cannot be associated with a given or identifiable person, e.g. data about general usage of the website.

Name and address of the data controller

The data controller is, within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation, other data protection laws applicable in the member states of the European Union and other provisions relating to data protection:

Aenova Holding GmbH
Berger Straße 8 – 10
82319 Starnberg (Percha),

Data Protection Officer

Aenova Holding GmbH has decided to assign the role of data protection officer externally to INTARGIA Managementberatung GmbH, Max-Planck-Straße 20, 63303 Dreieich.

For any questions you may have with respect to data protection please contact our data protection officer via email at

Access data

It is generally possible to use this website without disclosing any personal data. When accessing a page of our website and whenever you request a file, access data regarding this process will be saved in a log file. The log file contains: the page from which the file was requested, the name of the file, the date and time of the request, the volume of data transferred, the access status (file transferred, file not found, etc.), a description of the type of operating system and web browser used. The data saved cannot be used to deduce your identity and is analysed exclusively for statistical purposes.


This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are saved on your device. Your browser accesses these files. The use of cookies enhances the user’s experience and safety on this website.

Most browsers offer an option not to accept cookies. Please note: you may not be able to access all the features of this website if you select these settings.

Our website uses the open source software Matomo to conduct statistical analyses of its use by users.

Matomo uses cookies for this purpose. These text files are saved on the user's computer so that his or her use of the website can be analysed. The information and data generated by cookies are stored on a server in Germany. The IP address is anonymised prior to storage. You can disable the use of cookies in your brower's settings. However, you may then no longer be able to use all the features of our website.

Data is not shared with third parties. Matomo uses user data in an anonymous form so that we can optimise our website and offering. IP addresses are saved by Matomo with the last several digits omitted. This enables us to determine which network a request came from. It is impossible to associate an IP address with a computer in this way.

By using our website, you confirm that you agree to the processing of data by Matomo within the scope described above and for the purposes specified above.

Handling of personal data

We collect, use and share your personal data only if this is legally permissible or you have consented to the processing of your data.

Handling of contact information

We collect, use and share your personal data only if this is legally permissible (e.g. on legitimate interest, Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR) or you have consented to the processing of your data (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR).

Rights of the data subjects

If we process personal data, the persons concerned are entitled to the following rights:

  • Art. 15 GDPR Right to information
    Right to information about your personal data stored by us.
  • Art. 16 GDPR Right of rectification
    Right to rectification of incorrect or incomplete personal data concerning you.
  • Art. 17 GDPR Right to deletion
    Deletion of your personal data unless there is a legal obligation to keep records.
  • Art. 18 GDPR Right to restrict processing
    If certain conditions are met, you have the right to have your personal data blocked and not processed further.
  • Art. 20 GDPR Right to data transferability
    The right to data transferability of personal data concerning you that you have provided to us.

Please note, however, that these rights may be limited in order to fulfil our legal obligations. Your rights are not fully applicable if there is a legal basis for the processing of your personal data (e.g., information collected in the context of reporting an event cannot be deleted unless it is incorrect).

Data protection regarding job applications and the application process

The data controller collects and processes personal data from job seekers in order to carry out the application process. Processing may also be done electronically. This is especially the case when an applicant sends the requisite application documents to the data controller electronically, e.g., by email or via an online form on the website. If the data controller concludes an employment contract with an applicant, the data transferred will be stored for the purpose of the employment relationship in accordance with the statutory requirements. Legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR (in conjunction with Section 26 Para. 1 Sentence 1 of the Federal Data Protection Act, in Germany) If no employment contract is concluded by the data controller with the applicant, the application documents will be deleted within the legally stipulated time frame. Legal basis is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit b and lit. f GDPR.

Data economy

We store personal data in accordance with the principles of data avoidance and data economy only for as long as necessary or as required by the law (statutory retention period). If the purpose for the collected information ceases to exist or the retention period ends, we will block or delete the data.

Changes to the Data Protection Statement

Aenova Holding GmbH will revise and amend this Data Protection Statement from time to time. We therefore recommend that you read the rules of this Data Protection Statement from time to time to ensure that you know how Aenova Holding GmbH collects, processes and uses data.

Additional information

If you have any questions regarding our Data Protection Statement, please write to For general questions, please use the contact form on our website.